What is a Stickman

This is a simple stick figure drawing - I draw my stickmen with eyes and hair - just a little extra detail.
This is a simple stick figure drawing - I draw my stickmen with eyes and hair - just a little extra detail.
A stickman is a simple human related design. It is one of the first things a child might learn to draw - a stick picture of a man, or woman.
The stick part of the description comes from the basic nature of the drawing - a line for an arm, a circle for a head. The man part comes from the usual representation of a human figure.
Since the start of the internet the stickman has evolved, not just in its creative aspect, but in the sheer number of them being created and published.

Often the effect will be humorous - either in the simplicity of the representation or a simple cartoon idea.
In an age where people desire images - a simple stick drawing is the easiest way to create and publish something of your own. Given that we publish anything these days, even those stick figure doodles and drawings get uploaded and shared.
Here's an article about stick men, their history, famous proponents, their use and purpose in media. It's not a Wiki, so bear with me if I don't have hundreds of boring references.
It's about stickmen... OK?

The first cave man finds art isn't always appreciated
The first cave man finds art isn't always appreciated

The First Stick Man

The very first stick drawings were made by ancient cavemen or possibly quite young cavemen.
These guys didn't have fancy felt tips and paper - just bones, blood and fur - and a cave of course.
History doesn't tell us if the original cave woman was annoyed to find that her useless husband had been drawing all over the walls. "Oh yeah, so you drew an antelope. How about catching one - you waste of time artist".
The caveman felt this urge inside him to draw. To record the scenes around him. These cave pictures have lasted a lot longer than the internet and are a powerful connection with our ancestors.
Drawing stuff. It has been around a very long time.

Hey, look what I did!
Hey, look what I did!

Children Stick Designers

The love of drawing is felt by a lot of people. Mostly children because as we realise we will not be a great artist, we tend to put the pens away and do other things.
Human nature or society demands that we excel at our pursuits and profit from them, so our hobby activities are discouraged. This is probably some natural evolutionary thing - if you can't eat from drawing, why bother?
Children love drawing. They do not suffer adult self doubt about their abilities - they just do it. Pretty much everyone can draw a stick man and that is the perfect place to start.
They draw their parents, maybe a pet, the house, some grass and a tree - and there is the perfect stick picture.
As a tip for parents. Join in. Encourage. Have fun with them and share it. If you actually can draw a bit... do NOT draw a brilliant cat that the child can't possibly do - keep it simple and share and teach.
Children's pictures are the purest, most beautiful forms of art - and they grace any office or workplace with their innocence and charm.

When work is getting you down - pick up a pen...
When work is getting you down - pick up a pen...

Sticking With It

As we grow we put away the pens. Ashamed of our lack of talent, and aware of the Great Masters of Art and Design - we move on to work, ambition, learning.
When we finally land that career path and spend every waking minute worrying about work, bills, life - sometimes we will doodle absent mindedly on a page. The senseless caricatures will be screwed up and put in the recycle bin.
It's still drawing.
You created something.
Somewhere in your head, the left side of your brain is bored with everyday stuff and it wants to draw and express something.
Drawing some simple design for five minutes is a superb way of relaxing. Take time out, a sheet of paper from the printer,a pen and just draw. The beauty of the stickman is that anyone can draw one.

Just having fun with the idea...
Just having fun with the idea...

Stickmen on the Internet

The stick figure has come of age on the net.
The simple design is used to explain ideas, market product, illustrate articles and to have fun.
A stickman immediately says "I'm not too serious". Some may turn away from the flippancy but the internet has plenty of areas for fun, relaxation and humor.
There are cartoon sites full of stick designs and art outlets with hundreds of stick people doing fun things. There are videos and games. It might be a meme except I'm not sure what that is.
It says anarchy, freedom and a don't care attitude towards the art police - the ones who decree that you must be able to draw 'properly' to be able to join in.
This is me, this is my stickman, and I'm proud of him.
And you thought they were just silly doodles? This is a movement.

One of my current favorites - it's fun, easy and a great way to relax
One of my current favorites - it's fun, easy and a great way to relax

Art is in the eye of the beholder and the wallet of the sponsor
Art is in the eye of the beholder and the wallet of the sponsor

Stick Artists

At present I only know of two that I would say have achieved real recognition.
J S Lowry and Keith Haring.
Then research is not my strong point so there may be more, and please tell me about them in the comments.
J S Lowry painted stick figures, matchstick men they were called, and is a recognised 'proper' artist.
Keith Haring did design work using the stick figure in his own way.
Both these guys were popular.
Art comes in many forms - from the picture quality painting of the Masters - to a simple line on the page. If it is pleasing to view or occasionally thought provoking or just fun - in my book... it's art.
You know, I didn't know I liked art at school, It was all boring stuff. Maybe school makes it boring - I don't know. These days, more and more, I find myself looking at something that someone has created and thinking "Yeah... that works for me, nice".
Not a great art critic type comment but who cares?
Art belongs to the people. If you like it, that's good enough.

My version of a Keith Haring original stick drawing
My version of a Keith Haring original stick drawing

So...What is a Stick Man?

A stick man is an artistic expression of freedom.
He can be as simple or complex as you can create.
He says "You drew me and I am grateful for that. I exist because of you".
Once you have brought a stickman into being you can share him with the rest of the world.
"Hey world. Look at this".
A stickman is the art of the people. He represents all of us little stick figures as we go about our lives, and sometimes take time out to draw...
A stickman.
Thanks for reading.

Even the simple stickman can make a point in a picture on an internet page.
Even the simple stickman can make a point in a picture on an internet page.
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