Top tips on what makes a good web design

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The significance of a good web design in the modern day is colossal. We live in a day and age whereby practically all businesses are moving to online platforms. You need to ensure you use the internet to your advantage if you are to be successful and stand out from your competitors. An effective web design is where it all begins.

You may have a fantastic social media standing, you may publish SEO content in an array of blogs and online directories, but if your actual website is poor then all of this will be worth nothing. After all, if people get to your web page and cannot navigate to your products effectively, then how do you expect them to purchase everything?
Thus, read on to discover some top tips for ensuring that your web design is creative yet effective...

Your web design needs to boast a strong and clear brand messageYour brand identity needs to be evident from the moment someone clicks on your page. Every single decision you make regarding your web design needs to be done so whilst considering your corporate identity. After all, the way people view your company is chief in it being successful.

There are so many fancy graphics and impressive website designs available today. But, if they don’t coincide with your brand image, then don’t use them – no matter how good they may look.

A visitor should never feel confused nor should they have to search your website in order to discover what you are all about it. A successful website embodies everything your business represents in a simple and immediately evident manner.
Say no to pretty handwritten fonts
Many people spend hours searching font directories for handwritten calligraphy to utilise on their website. Unfortunately this is a complete waste of time. These fonts may look pretty, but they are extremely difficult to read properly. Keep it simple and think legibility before attractiveness. If you can’t read it on first glance, get rid.
Navigation can make or break your website
One of the key components in any successful web design is obvious and easy navigation. Your website needs to be as straightforward as possible. If your website is difficult to navigate then not only will your traffic drop but your conversion rate will undoubtedly be tremendously low.
The key is; if your viewers have to go searching, then your navigation is too complex. Everything should be easily accessible from the home page. And this can be easily achieved by a successful menu bar containing sub sections if necessary.
In addition to this, excessive scrolling is detrimental too. First and foremost, horizontal scrolling is not recommended at all. And when it comes to vertical scrolling try and ensure it is as minimal as possible – especially on the homepage. If you can keep your homepage to the size of your desktop screen then you have done extremely well.
Nobody likes to wait
The load time of your website and web pages is imperative. If you incorporate too many images, graphics, and even too much text, then you will find that your website will take longer to load.
You may think the information you have included is essential. However, it won’t matter, because nobody will wait around long enough to read it.
Furthermore, you need to acknowledge how important it is to be clear and concise. Too much text and too many images are likely to take away from having an effective brand message as mentioned earlier. Only include relevant information.
Where do your viewers eyes divert to first?
This is a pivotal test of a good web design. Once your website has been created, look at it, and make note of where your eyes divert to first. Carry out this little test on several people too and get their thoughts. Your main point needs to be the first thing people acknowledge, don’t bury it.
Consistency is the key to an impressive web design
And last but not least, you need to ensure that you keep consistent throughout the whole of your website. This means that you need to use the same colour scheme, the same font, the same heading sizes, and so on and so forth. It also means that you need to keep the same tone within your content and your writing.
If you don’t keep consistent then not only will your website look bad, but your brand identity will appear confused and people won’t be able to identify with your business.
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