Website Design Trends in 2014

Time to Say Hi to 2014!

As the end of 2013 is round the corner, it’s time to have a look at what website designs we will see in the coming year. Like fashion and technology, the styles of blogs and websites would also witness a significant change. While some might develop new data, others revert back to old, tested formats, some rejuvenate the existing design and some will just remain the same. Here are some of the design trends that we might see in 2014.

Interactive designs

Engaging customers have become exceedingly important if you wish to be successful in the cut-throat competition. This has become a norm in the previous years and is expected to become very popular in 2014. For instance, in case of an insurance website then you can expect to see instant results and customer support right on the home page.

What do you think is the most exciting trend in 2014?

  •  • The concept of minimalism
  •  • Responsive website design
  •  • Websites that run like Apps
  •  • Application patter
  •  • Interactive designs
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Application patter

Most websites are created on the CSS or HTML 4 platforms. However, looking at the current trends Google doesn’t like flash based websites. This reason is enough for developers to switch to other platforms such as HTML5. On the other hand, such change has also become essential because a majority of browsers on computer as well as on Smartphone platforms don’t support Flash content. What’s the point of creating content that isn’t visible to the audience?

Websites that run like Apps

HTML5 is one platform that allows users to access most of the elements of the website via a normal browser. This means that a website can be used as an application. For instance the Google Docs which is based on the same platform is not only easy to use but also interactive. In fact, we can expect more and more blogs to shift onto HTML5 in the months to come. This framework will allow users to use all elements of the website from almost any device.

Responsive website design

Website developers are likely to make responsive designs. The fact is websites are accessed on a wide array of devices that include tablet computers, laptops and smartphones among others. With responsive website designs, there will be no lag or delay in accessing the various elements of the website. In addition, static website designs will be replaced by dynamic ones, thereby allowing users to interact with website components.

The concept of minimalism

Website developers will soon ditch excessive content and replace it with images and videos. Nobody has time to read all your stuff on the website. Visually appealing content such as videos will not only help in grabbing eyeballs but also tell the audience about the products and services that you offer.

To Wrap It Up

So if you are looking to stay in the competition, it would be wise to incorporate these design trends on your website. In addition, if you are still in the process of developing a website, make sure that it is accessible on diverse devices irrespective of the platform. The focus should be on expanding the consumer base and converting prospects into buyers.
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