Get your Meta Tags right.
Writing the Meta Tags correctly in your Web sites html code is the single most important job you must get right when designing any web site. Good meta tags optimization and selecting search engine keywords is the difference between success and failure. It is also very important to write the code correctly . Its no good finding all the right keywords and then making a mistake in the code.
When it comes to adding the code to your Web Site I find it easier and safer to add the code using a simple Text Editor like Notebook. You can create the artwork in a variety of different programs, these programs usually allow you to edit the code, but I find many programs add their own marks which can be confusing. For instance Dreamweaver adds dots in between the words to indicate spacing...this is only in its preview and can be quite confusing. I like to see the code simply as the Search engines see it. That's why I always check the code in a simple word editor and I'm not alone when it comes to this. Many of the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Web creation programs write the code for you, which is OK for the body of the Web Site. Meta tags are so important that you need to get it right.
There are some really excellent free tools that will check your code for you and I will tell you which ones work and where to find them later in this article. There are also some excellent Keyword finding tools as well but firstly lets have a look at the code.
<meta name="title" content="Steam Clean Tutorials">
<meta name="description" content="> Steam Clean Tutorials,How to Steam Clean carpets,Trade information">
<meta name="keywords" content="> carpet steam cleaning,upholstery steam cleaning,rug steam cleaning,steam cleaning services">
<meta name="category" content="Cleaning">
<meta name="author" content="Rod Taylor">
<meta name="rating" content="General">
<meta name="robots" content="all">
The code above is an example of how to write the html code for Meta Tags. Its best to place this code at the top of your html code on each page. (Absolutely must be on the first page of your Home - index page).
The Description must be a reflection of the material on your page. Make sure that these words appear in the text. Its quite common for designers to use an Image artwork (Image file of a logo) as a header on the page. Search engines can't read Image files or flash files. If they can't find the words then they will deem the description as inaccurate. Artists also may use Images for sub headings and links. For example 'How to Steam Clean carpets' may have a wonderful jpeg graphic but doesn't appear in the text. Search engines can only read code, they don't see the page like we do in a browser. The same goes for buttons with links (eg. Home Page) they are invisible to a search engine.
There is an excellent free web site provided by Google which allows you to check your key words. (See screen capture on top of page). Here you can choose the keywords that get the most hits and you can filter for keywords with the best Click rate dollar value. You can visit this site online Here.
As with the Description, make sure your Keywords reflect the content on your page. It's no good picking nice juicy Keywords if a search engine can't find the word content on your page. You must have real content. The better it is, the more original it is, the better you will do in the long run. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen if you do the right thing.
Once you have finished your code and published your web site online you can check your Meta Tags by using another free tool from Google. You can download this HERE. Install the program and then the Meta checker will analyze your Web Site and tell you if there are any errors. There is also a great online Meta tag and Web Site analyzer HERE.
Be wary, there are lots of so called SEO professional Meta checking sites. Some are quite unscrupulous and will tell you your code is wrong when in fact it is correct. They are trying to frighten you into buying one of their programs, most of which just take your money. The two methods of checking I told you about are both accurate and Honest. There are thousands of Web Sites out there all promising to make you rich...don't fall for it. Anyway do you really want to to make money by conning innocent people out of their money? The Web is full of Sociopaths.Just because they get away with fleecing people doesn't mean they are smart. They are just Con Men pure and simple and they are successful by getting other people to do their dirty work for then in true Sociopath style. If you are persistant you can find the information you need for sites like this.
If you produce a good honest web site with real original information and if you get your Meta tags right you will eventually get known and possibly make a bit of money from Adwords or selling your own products. It takes time to get patient.
Once you are happy with your site and you have checked the Meta code you can then submit your site to the search engines. There is a good free Web Site with plenty of free rescources: You can submit your sites Here.
There is a great free tutorial on how to create web sites using Open Office as a WYSIWYG on my Web Site Desktop Publishing News.
I have also written a Hub on How to write the code for Feedback Form for yor Web Site Here.
Cheers - Happy Webbing
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