Wordpress is great CMS tool and with easy adaption it can be modified from blogging syste tom full blown CMS system. Recently I suggested that Wordspress is suitible CMS system for NGO‘s and Non-profits and in this article I will show the the Top 35 plugins to do so. In the core wordpress is blogging systems, that is very easy to adapt to most webmasters needs. What makes Worpress so special are the number of people that are willing to donate their work and make adaptations (or plugins) to the system for free. For many organisations they do not have full time technical people and there for prefer to pay professional people to maintain their website. For many it is actually very costly. When you use Wordpress it only requers minimal computer knowledge as setup and maintanance is very easy and with automatic update you just need to press few buttons. Wordpress can with only few adaptations work as one of the best CMS systems available on the market.
Wordpress SEO plugin
The Headspace 2 SEO plugin for Wordpress.
Simple tag Wordpress tags, you simply click on the keywords.
Wordpress - SEO plugins
HeadSpace2 SEO
HeadSpace2 is an all-in-one meta-data manager that allows you to fine-tune the SEO potential of your site. It makes it easy to manage meta data across the entire site or for specific pages/posts.
HeadSpace2 is an all-in-one meta-data manager that allows you to fine-tune the SEO potential of your site. It makes it easy to manage meta data across the entire site or for specific pages/posts.
Google XML Sitemaps
Having a sitemap installed on your blog will help Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to index your content more effectively and faster. There are a many ways to generate a sitemap, but the easiest and quickest way is to use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. This is probably the most important SEOplugin and the easiest one to install.
Having a sitemap installed on your blog will help Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to index your content more effectively and faster. There are a many ways to generate a sitemap, but the easiest and quickest way is to use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. This is probably the most important SEOplugin and the easiest one to install.
This plugin adds cropping, resizing, and rotating functionality to WordPress image upload. Scissors also allows automatic resizing of images when they are uploaded and supports automatic and manual watermarking of images.
This plugin adds cropping, resizing, and rotating functionality to WordPress image upload. Scissors also allows automatic resizing of images when they are uploaded and supports automatic and manual watermarking of images.
SEO Smart Links
One of the key ways to accomplish interlinkin as accessible to both readers and search engines is to have good interlinking habits on your blog – meaning you make sure your posts link to each other when it is relevant or useful to do so. This little plugin does the job of reading through your blog posts, and adding links when it finds anything that matches the title of another post or page. You just adjust what type of linking you think is important and the plugin takes care of the rest.
One of the key ways to accomplish interlinkin as accessible to both readers and search engines is to have good interlinking habits on your blog – meaning you make sure your posts link to each other when it is relevant or useful to do so. This little plugin does the job of reading through your blog posts, and adding links when it finds anything that matches the title of another post or page. You just adjust what type of linking you think is important and the plugin takes care of the rest.
Platinum SEO Pack
Optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). The most famous SEO Pack for Wordpress is „All in one SEO Pack“, with Platinum you have the same advantages but with few more features.
Optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). The most famous SEO Pack for Wordpress is „All in one SEO Pack“, with Platinum you have the same advantages but with few more features.
Simple Tags
It goes through the content that you are about to publish and finds relative tags. Tags suggestion from Yahoo!, OpenCalais, Alchemy, Zemanta, Tag The Net, Local tags with AJAX request. It speeds up your tag suggestion and helps you to find the most relative tags for each post.
It goes through the content that you are about to publish and finds relative tags. Tags suggestion from Yahoo!, OpenCalais, Alchemy, Zemanta, Tag The Net, Local tags with AJAX request. It speeds up your tag suggestion and helps you to find the most relative tags for each post.
Core Tweaks WordPress
This plug-in completely automates the proper setup of your WordPress blog for search engine optimization. Almost everything is covered, from changing the permalink structure to deleting the Hello World sample post and comment, and all the options are accessible from one single page.
This plug-in completely automates the proper setup of your WordPress blog for search engine optimization. Almost everything is covered, from changing the permalink structure to deleting the Hello World sample post and comment, and all the options are accessible from one single page.
Managing Users and their Roles
User Access Manager
This plugin is useful if you need a member area or a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere.
This plugin is useful if you need a member area or a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere.
New User Approve
The New User Approve plugin changes the registration process. When a user registers for the website, the user gets created and then an email gets sent to the administrators of the site. The administrator then either approves or denies the registration request.
The Capability Manager plugin provides a simple way to manage role capabilities. Using it, you will be able to change the capabilities of any role, add new roles, copy existing roles into new ones, and add new capabilities to existing roles.
WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites
Amazon Price: $2.94
List Price: $44.99
List Price: $44.99
WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites
Amazon Price: $2.94
List Price: $44.99
List Price: $44.99
Worpdress plugins - Contact Forms
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms. You can as well customize the form to any of your form needs, it is very flexible with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA and Akismet spam filtering.
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms. You can as well customize the form to any of your form needs, it is very flexible with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA and Akismet spam filtering.
WP Contact FormWP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post. It is simple and easy for if you need not great functions.
Wordpress plugins - Search
Search Everything
Search Everything expands Wordpress’s built in search functionality to also include tags, categories, revisions, images, attachments and more. This is the only search plugin for Wordpress that you ever need.
Search Everything expands Wordpress’s built in search functionality to also include tags, categories, revisions, images, attachments and more. This is the only search plugin for Wordpress that you ever need.
Wordpress plugins - Mailing lists
With this plugin you will be able to send beautiful and styled html and plain text mails based on dedicated themes and templates for any e-mail notification issued. The biggest drawback is it needs some knowledge to setup and maintain. But as long as you have it running, then it is best mailing list available, working like a mailing list that you could be paying for. Some other features are automatic management of users, different mailing lists, geographic location and information about how many of the emails where read.
With this plugin you will be able to send beautiful and styled html and plain text mails based on dedicated themes and templates for any e-mail notification issued. The biggest drawback is it needs some knowledge to setup and maintain. But as long as you have it running, then it is best mailing list available, working like a mailing list that you could be paying for. Some other features are automatic management of users, different mailing lists, geographic location and information about how many of the emails where read.
By loading the Custom Admin Branding for Wordpress, you can put your own logo on the in stead of this login screen.
Wordpress - Administration plugins
Custom Admin Branding
Custom Admin Branding Plugin allows you to re-brand the WordPress login screen and also the admin header and footer with your own custom images and text. This will actually give your users an idea that the CMS is tailored specially for his business.
Custom Admin Branding Plugin allows you to re-brand the WordPress login screen and also the admin header and footer with your own custom images and text. This will actually give your users an idea that the CMS is tailored specially for his business.
WP CMS Post allows you to hide unwanted items like custom fields, trackbacks, and revisions. It also gives you more control over how Wordpress deals with creating content.
WP CMS Post allows you to hide unwanted items like custom fields, trackbacks, and revisions. It also gives you more control over how Wordpress deals with creating content.
CMS Dashboard
This plug-in creates a dashboard widget with clearly labeled large buttons of the most common tasks one would perform when using wordpress as a CMS. This helps to use WordPress better, instead of focusing on in as blog system.
This plug-in creates a dashboard widget with clearly labeled large buttons of the most common tasks one would perform when using wordpress as a CMS. This helps to use WordPress better, instead of focusing on in as blog system.
Permalink Redirect
If you change your blog’s permalink settings then this is the must have plugin for you, it redirects your old URL to new so that you don’t loose any traffic and help search engine to maintain right links. This plugin makes sure you don't have ?q=ek or other weird variables in your URL's, by redirecting them all out.
If you change your blog’s permalink settings then this is the must have plugin for you, it redirects your old URL to new so that you don’t loose any traffic and help search engine to maintain right links. This plugin makes sure you don't have ?q=ek or other weird variables in your URL's, by redirecting them all out.
WP Super Cache
WP Super Cache makes your pages load way faster. It stores static versions of your site and there for much less CPU processing than using Wordpress all by itself. This helps also the experience of your users, as they will not have to wait as long for loading of your web.
WP Super Cache makes your pages load way faster. It stores static versions of your site and there for much less CPU processing than using Wordpress all by itself. This helps also the experience of your users, as they will not have to wait as long for loading of your web.
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PageMash allows you to customize the order of your pages by simply dragging and dropping pages in an administrative interface, with an option to toggle the page to be hidden from output. It is a great tool to quickly re-arrange your pages.
PageMash allows you to customize the order of your pages by simply dragging and dropping pages in an administrative interface, with an option to toggle the page to be hidden from output. It is a great tool to quickly re-arrange your pages.
CMS Tree Page View
This plugin adds a CMS-like tree overview of all your pages to WordPress – like the view often found in regular CMS systems. It is simpilar functions to the PageMash plugin as you can within this plugin edit pages, view pages, add pages, search pages, and drag and drop pages to rearrange the order.
This plugin adds a CMS-like tree overview of all your pages to WordPress – like the view often found in regular CMS systems. It is simpilar functions to the PageMash plugin as you can within this plugin edit pages, view pages, add pages, search pages, and drag and drop pages to rearrange the order.
Front Page Category
This plugin lets you easily choose posts in one or more categories to appear on the front page. You can exclude any categories so that they show up only in the archive pages and not on the front page. This helps you have to have limited number of categories on your front page.
This plugin lets you easily choose posts in one or more categories to appear on the front page. You can exclude any categories so that they show up only in the archive pages and not on the front page. This helps you have to have limited number of categories on your front page.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) automatically creates list of posts or pages related to the current post / page. YARPP uses special algorithm and settings from you to suggest automatically related material. This will help you increase the clicks with in your site, and one you have a reader on your page they are likely to find other similar material that the reader might find interesting.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) automatically creates list of posts or pages related to the current post / page. YARPP uses special algorithm and settings from you to suggest automatically related material. This will help you increase the clicks with in your site, and one you have a reader on your page they are likely to find other similar material that the reader might find interesting.
Exclude Pages
This plugin adds a checkbox, “include this page in menus”, which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page will not appear in any listings of pages.
This plugin adds a checkbox, “include this page in menus”, which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page will not appear in any listings of pages.
Andy's List Subpage
Simple plugin that list all subpages under the current page. It is great if you have a main page and subpages under it, you do not need to update the main page.
Simple plugin that list all subpages under the current page. It is great if you have a main page and subpages under it, you do not need to update the main page.
Page Links To
This plugin allows you to make a WordPress page or post link to a URL of your choosing. If you need to your post to link to external site or if you need to link from more than one source with in your page.
This plugin allows you to make a WordPress page or post link to a URL of your choosing. If you need to your post to link to external site or if you need to link from more than one source with in your page.
The Wordpress PageNavi plugin, displays the pages instead of "prev" and "next".
Wordpress plugins - navigation
WP-PageNavi adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress site, WP Pagenavi is a great plugin that replaces the standard, “Previous Post” / “Next Post”, with a user-friendly numbered navigation system. You can easily adapt and change the look within WP-PageNavi.
WP-PageNavi adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress site, WP Pagenavi is a great plugin that replaces the standard, “Previous Post” / “Next Post”, with a user-friendly numbered navigation system. You can easily adapt and change the look within WP-PageNavi.
Yoast Breadcrumbs Plugin
Breadcrumbs are the links, usually above the title post, that look like some thing like this "Home > category > current post". They help the user to browse your site back and forward and also help search engines like Google better to determine the structure of your site. With Yoast you can easily add breadcrumbs to your template.
Breadcrumbs are the links, usually above the title post, that look like some thing like this "Home > category > current post". They help the user to browse your site back and forward and also help search engines like Google better to determine the structure of your site. With Yoast you can easily add breadcrumbs to your template.
Menus Plus+
Create multiple customized menus with pages, posts, categories, and URLS. For CMS applications of WordPress, organizing a menu list can be a pain; this makes it easier. Drag and drop to order them as you like.
Create multiple customized menus with pages, posts, categories, and URLS. For CMS applications of WordPress, organizing a menu list can be a pain; this makes it easier. Drag and drop to order them as you like.
Sharebare Wordpress plugin - displays social networking links on the sitebar.
Wordpress plugins - Socialnetworking
Whether they are on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious or any other social network/sharing site, the Sociable Plugin will allow your blog to be connected to the social media stream, making your content known to the world. You can choose from 99 different social bookmarking sites.
Whether they are on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious or any other social network/sharing site, the Sociable Plugin will allow your blog to be connected to the social media stream, making your content known to the world. You can choose from 99 different social bookmarking sites.
Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post.
Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post.
Facebook Like Button
Add Facebook Like Button to your wordpress blog with a lot of customization options. Users that press the button, message is left on their Facebook account that they liked your post.
Add Facebook Like Button to your wordpress blog with a lot of customization options. Users that press the button, message is left on their Facebook account that they liked your post.
Twitter Tools
Twitter Tools is one of the best Twitter tools ever made for Wordpress. You can send updates (posts / pages) to your Twitter account and create blog posts from your Tweet.
Twitter Tools is one of the best Twitter tools ever made for Wordpress. You can send updates (posts / pages) to your Twitter account and create blog posts from your Tweet.
WordPress Complete: A comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to set up, customize, and market your blog using WordPress (From Technologies to Solutions)
Amazon Price: $5.88
List Price: $39.99
List Price: $39.99
WordPress for Business Bloggers: Promote and grow your WordPress blog with advanced plug-ins, analytics, advertising, and SEO
Amazon Price: $10.58
List Price: $39.99
List Price: $39.99
Wordpress plugins - Advertisement
Advertising Manager
This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your WordPress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks. Other ad networks can be used as well.
This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your WordPress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks. Other ad networks can be used as well.
WP Insert
The plugin lets you easily insert advertisements into any area of your site including blog posts, pages, sidebars and even your RSS feed.
The plugin lets you easily insert advertisements into any area of your site including blog posts, pages, sidebars and even your RSS feed.
AdRotate is another plugin which lets you rotate ads, create ad zones, track impressions and click throughs. A good plugin which works well with Adsense and has some great features such as disabling ads after a certain number of views, clicks or after certain time.
AdRotate is another plugin which lets you rotate ads, create ad zones, track impressions and click throughs. A good plugin which works well with Adsense and has some great features such as disabling ads after a certain number of views, clicks or after certain time.
Wordpress is a really powerful tool to use for CMS, if you are running a small company, NGO or Non-profit website or any other website where you need CMS system Wordpress can help. These are just the some of the plugins I can recommend, there are thousands of other plugins availible to make Wordpress just the way you need it. You can check the wordpress website for other plugins for your needs.
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